Radish mania at the beginning of June 2021 |
2021 came and went in the blink of an eye. I swear time moves faster the older I get. Hours seem like seconds, days seem like minutes and a year passes as if it's the snap of your fingers. It was another excellent year on the urban farm. A crap ton of food was grown. 719.19 lbs (326.22 kilos) of food to be exact, which is on-par with last year. The row covers worked out famously as there were fresh salad greens right up until the end of December. Both deep freezers are currently still stocked with frozen veggies. With how long the salad greens lasted, I didn't even start getting into the frozen veggies until January of this winter, which is insane. I'm actually still going through frozen veggies that I packed in 2020. Which is very exciting and a great sign that I'm growing way more food than my house can eat. Each year I'm working towards utilizing the space more and being even more productive than the last. On the flip side I'm pretty sure I spent more on food at the grocery store this year than I have in the prior years, which is not what I was expecting but it is what it is. I haven't fully added up those numbers yet to be sure but from an initial glance it appears that way. That's okay though, this is all one giant learning experience and I know exactly how I can flip that around, small steps each and every day.