Stranger: Your backyard
is only vegetables?! Seriously?
Me: Well there is a
shed back there, the borders are mostly sunflowers, there’s a strawberry patch, two compost piles, and a fire pit but yeah, everything else is all vegetables.
Stranger: Ssssoooo,
you live out in the country then with lots of land?
Me: Nope, I live in
the city, the property itself is just shy of a quarter acre (9,000 sq. ft) but my
house is on that property. The front
yard is all wildflowers with the backyard being the main urban farm full of vegetables. I’m able to grow more than enough food to last year round*.
Stranger: You’ve got
to be kidding.
I pull out my phone
and show them the most recent photo(s).
Stranger: Holy Cow,
that’s incredible, you weren’t kidding!
That’s a pretty typical, initial exchange that I have with people
as they find out what I’ve been doing with my urban farm experiment over the
past three years. My name is James, I live
in Longmont, Colorado, I don’t have any sort of formal agriculture experience
or training and yet I’m able to grow the vast majority of the food that I eat, all grown at a typical house in the U.S.
This is me: